Daily Archives: December 10, 2008

We’re Looking for Help

PressIn order to get more content published, TheMiddleClassBlog.com is looking for volunteers to submit stories, commentaries, essays, etc., that they may stumble across, or author themselves.  Now, we’re not going to let just any Tom, Dick or Harriet strut their stuff – you gotta be good – or at the very least, a high level of common sense, to write for this blog… And not easily offended when your story get’s edited.

If this sounds like fun, and you want to join or staff, shoot us a line at Author@TheMiddleClassBlog.com.  We’ll have our people (i.e. “Me”) contact your people!

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Alphainventions.com and what it Means to Us

Phone_SwBd_10Line Cheru Jackson.  Remember that name.  He’s created a nifty little tool that collects blogs in the blog-o-sphere in real-time, and presents them to users in a rolling display.  It’s a bit more complicated than that, but in essence, it’s a way for blogs to be introduced to readers who may not know the blogs exist in the first place.  I’m not exactly sure how it works, but just like when I start my car, I know that it does.  So take a gander at www.alphainventions.com to see other blogs, just like this one, displayed before your eyes – saves you from typing in nasty tag searches or clicking!

So what does this have to do with TheMiddleClassBlog.com?  Simple – among the little features that alphainventions.com allows is that if someone posts a little snippet about the site, then that moves their blog to the top of the list… A win-win, no?


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